
I’m hearing this term thrown around a lot lately, but what does it really mean?  I liked Princeton’s Wordnet definition the best of the few I found; the expertness characteristic of a professional person.  You can find this and more pearls of wise definitions here: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn  Expertness, implying to be an expert in your field, or specifically this field, Dental Technology.  What does it take to be an expert in this field? Knowledge, and how do we get that, from learning, right?  Where do we learn?  Lectures, yes, ding, ding, ding, ding.  So sign up for the soonest lecture you can attend and learn something!  We can learn terminology, which could enable us to talk to the doctors more, give an air of confidence generally lacking when conversing with doctors.  We can learn more of the material we use and have a greater grasp of why that porcelain pulled away at the margin. Etcetera, etcetera, just some random thoughts on professionalism, does anyone else have any other?

Sensation SL from Leach & Dillon is my worst enemy right now. I am employed at a lab using this porc. At first I was excited about what I read in the manual. Flourescing, low fusing, great wear. After using it for a couple of months. I feel they have dropped the ball. It is not very stable, which is generally known problem with low fusing porc., It is not terribly esthetic. The opaque is mostly yellow, no matter the shade. With no exception, can it be sent out the door without staing the crap out of it. It’s selection of modifying porcelains are anything but desireable. I would rate it somewhat, kind of, ahead of Ceramco. It is a production porcelain, it is ment to be a rpoduction porcleain, but they don’t chrage production porcelain prices…. 2 thumbs down.

I want to take a second to make a rant or two about articulators. I have always hated, yes hated, plastic disposable articulators. I never really knew why they bothered me, until I attended a lecture the other day. Damon Adams, who is working very closely with my current boss, refered to the as hold-it-together devices, that they in no way simulate the jaw. Ding, ding, ding, ding… That’s it! Europa! This is exactly what has been nibbling at the back of my mind for years. It is exactly how I wanted to articulate 🙂 my thoughts (man alive, you know I couldn’t let that opportunity pass me by!!!!). I love and would ask anyone out there to use a fully adjustable articulator. They are essential, always. Yes I feel this way about a single molar, it doesn’t ever happen, but I feel this way.