I’m hearing this term thrown around a lot lately, but what does it really mean?  I liked Princeton’s Wordnet definition the best of the few I found; the expertness characteristic of a professional person.  You can find this and more pearls of wise definitions here: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn  Expertness, implying to be an expert in your field, or specifically this field, Dental Technology.  What does it take to be an expert in this field? Knowledge, and how do we get that, from learning, right?  Where do we learn?  Lectures, yes, ding, ding, ding, ding.  So sign up for the soonest lecture you can attend and learn something!  We can learn terminology, which could enable us to talk to the doctors more, give an air of confidence generally lacking when conversing with doctors.  We can learn more of the material we use and have a greater grasp of why that porcelain pulled away at the margin. Etcetera, etcetera, just some random thoughts on professionalism, does anyone else have any other?