Sensation SL from Leach & Dillon is my worst enemy right now. I am employed at a lab using this porc. At first I was excited about what I read in the manual. Flourescing, low fusing, great wear. After using it for a couple of months. I feel they have dropped the ball. It is not very stable, which is generally known problem with low fusing porc., It is not terribly esthetic. The opaque is mostly yellow, no matter the shade. With no exception, can it be sent out the door without staing the crap out of it. It’s selection of modifying porcelains are anything but desireable. I would rate it somewhat, kind of, ahead of Ceramco. It is a production porcelain, it is ment to be a rpoduction porcleain, but they don’t chrage production porcelain prices…. 2 thumbs down.